Producing the best beef field day (NSW Agriculture, Biosecurity and Mine...
(Source: NSW Agriculture, Biosecurity and Mine Safety Division) 13 Nov 2015 The Department of Primary Industries (DPI) and Northern Tablelands Local Land Services (LLS) beef field day will be held at...
View ArticleACCC will not oppose Shell’s acquisition of BG (Australian Competition and...
(Source: Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission will not oppose the proposed acquisition by Royal Dutch Shell (Shell) of BG Group (BG). 'The...
View ArticleFederal police search home for documents belonging to James Ashby
Former staffer for Peter Slipper says police were looking for communications between him and Coalition MPs Christopher Pyne, Mal Brough or Wyatt Roy...
View ArticlePlanning for Wine Investments From China (Moss Adams LLP)
(Source: Moss Adams LLP) by Jeff Gutsch, National Practice Leader, Wine Practice, and Mario Zepponi, Principal, Zepponi & Company Despite rumors to the contrary, Chinese investments in the Unites...
View ArticleSydney letter: Turnbull credited with turnaround
Two months after his own Liberal Party dumped Tony Abbott as prime minister, Australia is a more relaxed and confident country. In September, just before Malcolm Turnbull became Australia’s fourth...
View ArticleMalcolm Turnbull stays coy over Australian role in South China sea
The prime minister says Australia and US were of ‘the same mind’ but added ‘We will consider our position ... with great care’...
View ArticleCattle marketing, animal welfare to be featured at BIG Conference (Texas A&M...
(Source: Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service) Writer: Blair Fannin, 979-845-2259, Contact: Ronald Woolley, 254-968-4144, WACO - Cattle marketing options,...
View ArticleMalcolm Turnbull and Barack Obama hold first meeting and promise to 'ramp up'...
Australian prime minister promises to stand ‘shoulder to shoulder’ with US against Islamic State in bilateral discussion in the Philippines...
View ArticleApplications Available Now for Missouri Beef Initiative Grants (MDA -...
(Source: MDA - Missouri Department of Agriculture) November 17, 2015 Deadline to apply is Dec. 1, 2015 Applications Available Now for Missouri Beef Initiative Grants (JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.) The Missouri...
View ArticleApplications Available Now for Missouri Beef Initiative Grants… (State of...
(Source: State of Missouri) November 18, 2015 Deadline to apply is Dec. 7, 2015 Applications Available Now for Missouri Beef Initiative Grants (JEFFERSON CITY, Mo.) The Missouri Department of...
View ArticleAustralian parents deserve reliable supplies of infant formula
EDITORIAL Singles Day, the orgy of online consumerism that grips modern China every year, has come and gone, bestowing a record $20 billion on sellers and causing immense stress to Australian families...
View ArticleAustralia `Not Naive' to Economic Uncertainty, Morrison Says
Australian Treasurer Scott Morrison said he was optimistic about the nation’s economy despite global headwinds that were hurting growth. “There is a pragmatic realism to our optimism about our economic...
View ArticleWatch Scott Morrison make the claim at the Economic and Social Outlook...
Treasurer Scott Morrison says Australia "relies more on income tax (personal and company) than any other country in the OECD except Denmark". ......
View ArticleAustralia to decide on French request for frigate to help in war against Isis
Marise Payne, the defence minister, says the government will discuss the request in light of the defence force’s current commitments in the region...
View ArticleWage growth hits record low as Scott Morrison tries to lift incomes
Analysis We were preparing for a wages explosion. Two years ago, in his first major speech as workplace relations minister, Eric Abez warned of "something akin to the wages explosions of the pre-Accord...
View ArticleWealthy few must not be allowed to hijack tax debate
Treasurer Scott Morrison is certainly experienced in defending the indefensible, at least in terms of the Coalition government's policies. He did it in his previous brief of Immigration when he turned...
View ArticleAgriculture and water ministers meet in Brisbane (Department of Agriculture -...
(Source: Department of Agriculture - Australian Government) 19 November 2015 Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Barnaby Joyce, will welcome state and territory agriculture and water...
View ArticleBenefits flow to Victorian and South Australian irrigators from water sale...
(Source: Department of Agriculture - Australian Government) 19 November Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Barnaby Joyce, has welcomed the successful sale of 22.864 gigalitres of...
View ArticleBenefits flow to Victorian and South Australian irrigators from water sale...
(Source: Australian Government) 19 November Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Barnaby Joyce, has welcomed the successful sale of 22.864 gigalitres of Commonwealth environmental water...
View ArticleAgriculture and water ministers meet in Brisbane (Australian Government)
(Source: Australian Government) 19 November 2015 Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources, Barnaby Joyce, will welcome state and territory agriculture and water ministers to an Australian...
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